Hi. I’m Shubham Jain, nice to meet you. Please take a look around!

About Me


I am passionate about building excellent mobile apps that improve the lives of those around me. I specialize in creating mobile apps for clients ranging from individuals and small-businesses all the way to large enterprise corporations. What would you do if you had a mobile apps expert available at your fingertips?

01. Research


Understand the client’s subject matter completely and build on the knowledge related to it, becoming intimately familiar with the subject matter. Determine methods to address the specific customer’s needs and requirements.

02. Design


Misleadingly thought of as the superficial appearance of a product, the design actually encompasses a lot more. It is a cross-functional process that includes market research, technical research, design of a concept, and prototype mockup.

03. Develop


Findings from the research and design phases are utilized for the production of specific products including materials, systems, and methods. Engineer utilizing the research and designs to produce commercial products for the customer.